Over 30 varieties are now blooming, so I’m getting quite an assortment of flowers for cutting:

Just getting a few of each to take photos has ended up filling the fridge I use for garden stuff.

There are still mantids around on the flowers and fencing, and they continue to get larger.

Unfortunately I also now have Japanese beetles showing up. These are probably the worst type to deal with because they target the flowers themselves, and sometimes wreck them before they even open.

I still do walkthroughs after dark looking for beetles, and still find several per night. They’re not as bad as a few years ago but it’s getting more tempting to bring out the sprayer.

In the meantime the toads seem to be well-fed from all the bugs attracted to the solar lights. There’s at least five of them.

I was hoping the one looking at the slug would actually eat the slug, but it hopped away without doing so.

The cat also hangs out in the beds, but the only bug-catching he does is chasing the occasional moth at night.