An assortment of flowering plants from around the yard over the past few months:

A previous homeowner planted a lot of daffodils, and they’re one of the first things to emerge early in March:

I also get some crokus blooming in the back yard:

I have a small fruit tree that flowers in late March, though I still haven’t figured out what specific kind of tree it is:

Some little weeds show up in the flower beds:

I think these are wild violets in the grass:

There are a few tulips scattered around, though they don’t bloom for long. The odd-looking green thing is what’s left after the flower is done.

There’s bugleweed around the edges of the yard:

There are several kinds of azaleas. Some were definitely planted by a previous homeowner, and at least one of them blooms a couple times per year. Others appear to be growing wild out in the woods and don’t match the ones by the house.

There’s a good-sized rhododendron behind the house that I assume was planted.

I think these little trees by the driveway are a type of lilac:

I get wild strawberries growing near my fence. The flowers are small but interesting.

There are peonies planted around and they’re budding in May. There are pretty much always ants on the buds.

The yard is full of buttercups. It doesn’t take long for them to come back after being mowed.

I get these little fleabane flowers around the edge of the yard.

There’s a patch of bearded irises that I assume were planted.